First Bears-Trail of the season and Christmas-Cold awaited

The first Bears-Trail of the season is completed. 4 sleds and 26 dogs were running via the "Russian Swamps" to cabin Hähnijoki, continueing on "Zimmermann-Trail" to cabin Olkikoski and on "Karhunpolku" back home. Although the amount of snow is still rather low and driving sleds is technically very difficult in these cirsumstances, the whole tour was without problems and all went well. 

Today is arrival of our Christmas-guests; next week we run 2 groups on Bears Trail. Those arriving guests will experience the first real long cold of the winter; all next 5 days we expect temperatures below -20 C, going even to -30 C. But no worry, our equipment is good enough for these temperatures and a real winter-experience needs some real low temperatures!

3 new sleds are ready for our high season, also new harnesses, bungees and lines. And tomorrow - just in time for our own Christmas-gift - we get a new scooter to prepare our trails even better. Means: we are more than ready for the high season!

Today was departure of Ralph, who spent 2 months here as part of the time-out-project. We and our guests were very happy to get to know him as a great personality and we spent a great time together. Thank zou Ralph for this intense time! It was fun to work with you, you were like a complete team-member for us and it will be a pleasure for all of us to meet you again!