More puppies, first fly-outs of our birds and colourful finnish summer

Now they are all here: our summer-puppies 2012 are all born and get a bit bigger every day. Following the June-born Laverda-Pups, arrived on 2nd July the 5 puppies from Aida & Dandy. And during the night Sunday/Monday, Saari & Sakke got 6 puppies. The oldest already explore the green yard, while the middle-ones will open their eyes in the next few days. And the smallest ones of course at the moment only drink & sleep. 
The adult dogs enjoy walks to the lake or hang around the kennel-own swimming-pool.

Our "Bird-Breeding-Programm" got 2 good results this summer as well. The young birds from the staff house already flew away, the younger ones from the beach bar still get fed in the nest, but their first exit will not take long.

Whoever is touring around Finland in these days, can enjoy the beautiful colours of Finnish summer. All along the roads you see now all possible colours of flowers: Huge fields of wild growing flowers confirm definitely, that Finnland is not only blue & green. And in the forests we find already the first mushrooms and it looks like there will be much more in the next weeks and months.