Trail-Works: Autumn is a busy time here. Before the first snow comes, some trail-works have to be done. Finally we could bring back the "lost" ET-bridge back to its original place a few days ago. A big thanks to our guests Monika & Peter who helped us with this job. Luckily the Alma-bridge did survive summer without any damages and is ready again to bring us, our dogs and sleds from one side of the river to the other. Just in time before the ground freezes, we finished to replace the old wooden elements in the "Old Kennels" by the new ones made of aluminium. So this part of our kennels is ready for winter!
Winter-preparations & Training: While the swans get together to fly south, we bring the straw for next winter to dry places. It´s not easy to get dry straw this year, as summer and autumn were too wet. But 10 bales we already have, 6 more will be found somewhere. The dogs get more intense training by now. Yesterday we had great weather and could train all 120 dogs. 11 teams were out and it was a long day for everybody involved! Thanks to all of you! While the adult dogs get trained on the trails, the puppies are training her feeding-behaviour in the puppy-fence. The youngest ones, the Saari-pups do it by far the best!
Time-Out: Last Wednesday our Time-Out-client FB left home. She spent 1 month here and we hope and wish her, that she will use all the new inputs she got, during her stay, also in her future life and that the experiences she made will last for a long time. All the best for your future!
And also last Wednesday RT arrived, who will spend 2 months here. We are looking foreward to a good time for you and with you! Welcome at Eräkeskus!
The Eräkeskus-Calender 2013 and the new postcards were ready printed today and will be sent to Finland next week. Thanks to everybody whose pictures we could use for it - of course you all get 1 free example by post.
Everybody who wants to order a calender, just send us an e-mail with address and the number you want to order.
The rate per calender in format A3/13 pages is € 25.-- including postal fees within EU and to Switzerland. Pre-orders until 30.11.2012 will get a complete serie of the new postcards for free. Calenders will be posted after reception of payment.