
2 dream-weeks are behind us. Even more snow arrived here, we had long days with deep blue sky and bright sunshine, night-temperatures well around 2-digits-minus, days then a bit warmer, close to zero degrees (ok, 2 days even a bit above zero), nice guests and top-motivated dogs! Outdoor-BBQ in the snow are great fun again! And being guide is a real dream-job at the moment! 

The swamp-trails are beautiful to travel on, at the moment. The hard surfaces are just perfect for dogs and sleds, easy to run nice single-trails and leave lonely prints behind the sled. Our new "ET-Trail" is finally ready to use, after weeks of discussions with the forest goverment and Eastpoint; this trail gives us nice start- and return-possibilities from/to the kennels, whenever the lake crossings on Lake Puuruu are not good enough.  

The BearsTrail-group from week 9 included sort of "Team-Building" into one of the tour-days and was opening a part of trail, that was not used for many weeks from Arto's Place direction of Kuhmo-crossing "by hand". The group of dogs with leader Mogli and supervisor Theo were waiting on the trail and when the workers returned from the hard work, the tour went on. Thanks to the trail-crew with Erica, Eveline, Bruno and the guides! That was fun! 

And for all of you, who do not know, what is meant with "Dutch-Day", normally once per week on our menu-plan, here are 2 pictures to explain. Dutch before, and Dutch after.  Delicious!

Tomorrow starts the last Border-Trail of the season. Hard to believe, the weeks pass so fast! Soon the final countdown of the season starts... Sure, everyone of us would agree to add a few more weeks to this season, seen the perfect conditions we have at the moment. So let's just enjoy every single day of this remaining winter-season! 

A film-crew from German tv-channel Sat1 was here since Friday last week to collect loads of film material for their travel-magazine "Grenzenlos". It was time-consuming and hard work, but all involved dogs and guests were doing great! We are very curious to see the result, broadcasted probably in October 19, day and time will be announced here in time.