We woke up this morning to a crisp cold of -27 to -23 degrees C - depending on when we woke up... Today's training trip with 2 guests was therefore…
... 10 days ago we were already looking forward to winter, our fingers and feet froze while training the dogs, the dog paws were protected from the…
As always in this time of the year, our main-task is at the moment the training of the dogs. We started with the first teams from the old kennels on…
After a short guest-free period, as announced in the last news, we went up to full-power again mid-September and welcomed several known guests for a…
... before one really realises it, summer is almost over. Our last summer-family with week-program left yesterday. The next arriving guests we expect…
The last and the coming weeks were/are dominated by our family-week-programs with paddling and hiking. The first 2 groups finished the complete…
The last 4 weeks passed very fast. Camping-guests came and went, teammembers went and arrived, the most recent staff is always published on the…
The Summer-guests-season has now started also here. We could already accommodate several shortstay- or week-guests, as well as campers and caravans…
Yes, summer reached North-Karelia by now and we enjoy warm days as well. So far 2 days around 25 degrees C, the lakes finally ice-free, high water…
That´s how Finns call the season right now. First we got a glimpse of spring-feelings, and then... bang... winter came back, cold again, fresh snow,…
It´s done! Our winter-season 23/24 is done, since the last guests left back home yesterday. With one teary and one smiling eye we look back to many…
The last 2 weeks of our season 23/24 will start this weekend. After the early melting- and raining-period, 2 weeks ago, we got fresh snow again and…
We cannot deny it, spring is coming closer also here. Not yet in front of the door, but coming closer anyhow, we can see and feel it. Thanks to nights…
Short news in the middle of the season... because we are all rather busy here at the moment with full house and always new challenges coming up.
Last week we finished the first GoWest-Tour of the season 24. And we got better weather conditions than thought and mentionned in the last news. …
Today a group of BearsTrail and a group of Winterweek Plus started out to the Aittokoski-cabin - great sun and blue sky with them. Sadly for the 3rd…
The first 2 weeks of January are over. The new year started with a longer, extreme cold period. Down to -40 C were reached in our corner of Finnland,…
2024 may be over for a while, but 10 days late, we all wish you all a Happy New Year! May 2025 bring you lots of excitement, joy, relaxation and new…