Looking back to winter 12/13

Winter 12/13 has gone. Spring is visible and can be felt every day a bit more, warm days, sun, melting snow, the unique sound of melting lake-ice or the sloating ice-blocks on the rivers. The new kennels are almost ready for summer, the old kennels need a bit more time, but dry out a bit more every day as well. As always at this time of the year, a few statistics, records, special dogs who deserve being mentionned and of course a few more winter-pictures.  

In this winter, the 10th in our history, we had

  • 168 guests
  • 1190 overnights
  • 6 groups for mushing-workshop
  • 2 groups for New Years-Special
  • 8 groups for winter-weeks
  • 2 groups "exklusive"
  • 6 groups on bordertrail and
  • 32 groups on Bears Trail

Our dogs were running 157´000 km according to the actual training-file. The "Top 3" were Lumi, Laverda and Polaris. Most probably some runs were forgotten to write down in the file during the busy days of winter-season, so please... no analyses and no guarantees for those figures :-)

All dogs were motivated until the end of the season, and would proablz still run, if temperatures would allow it and if there was still snow. But by now, the sleds are stored away, the trails more or less snow-less and we get ready for summer.  The dogs from the new kennels already enjoy the first free runs, those from the old kennels still have to wait a bit to get their swimming pool ready.  Dogs who deserve special mention (in my opinion) are

  • Sisu, the yearling-female who run the most kilometers from all in the same age; followed closely by her sister Kalea. Both also run in lead and are hard to get tired. 
  • Peggy-Sue, who at the age of 5 years finally understood what is the meaning of "sleddog" and who was also running the last Bears Trail of the season. According to Nadia "the best dog from the whole pack".
  • Lolly, at the age of 11, she was still running on 9 week-tours and does not want to get old or retired.
  • T-Pow, also at the age of 11 years and getting more and more arthrosis-problems in her joints, still was joining EVERY weektour and as free-running pacemaker showing to the leaders behind her, where the trail goes. 
  • ... and in fact all others 139 dogs as well - you are great, it is a pleasure to work with you!

Nadia, Tanja and Patrick are leaving from Eräkeskus - as already known for a long while -  after 1 1/2 years of doing a great job, to return back to "south" or start for a long unlimited journey around Scandinavia. Kati is also leaving on short notice, after only half a year, to return to her beloved Norway. Means the staff number is reduced for a short while to 4 persons. But additonal help is already on the way and everybody here is looking forward to a good summer, despite the few coming busy days with low number of helping hands. 

The next news with update on summer preparations and spring-pictures will be published by Alex, as soon now also Ornella and Simone will leave for a few holidays.