Winterweek for Beginners

Feel free: create your winter week individually

Winter holiday in Eräkeskus is an unforgettable experience for everyone! You like to be in the middle of untouched landscape? You want to explore the nature by your own, still not missing good advice about tours from experienced persons and you like the comfort of a warm room, a good dinner and a hot sauna in the evening? Then Eräkeskus is the right place for you! 3 trips of different lenght with our sleddogs and a snow-hike might make you want more!? 

Why choosing Eräkeskus?

  • Familiar atmosphere with only 10 - 15 guests in the Lodge
  • small groups with max. 5 guests per guide
  • almost no scooter traffic in North Carelia 
  • far away from mass tourism you experience the true Finland
  • because here you can find silence and peace and will be 100% relaxed after your holiday!

Activity Profile: grade “1”

For this week-program you don’t need any special fitness level. All sleddog-trips and the winter-hike are planned according your capabilities and physical condition; and the rest of the time you create yourself! But keep in mind hiking in wintertime is more exhausting than normal hiking and the dogs expect you to help them in deep snow or in uphills during the sled-rides.

2024 may be over for a while, but 10 days late, we all wish you all a Happy New Year! May 2025 bring you lots of excitement, joy, relaxation and new…

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