Re-start of winter...

Winter has started for the 2nd time now. After 5 really awfully wet, muddy, grey, foggy days (not even worth a picture), we got minus and white again today and we hope it will stay this time.  Sadly our workshop-guests Gabrielle and Victor could so far not participate in many dog-trainings or even an overnight-trip to a cabin, but still they got a good idea about the dog-live at Eräkeskuus. By doing tuglines, preparing sleds, reading and relaxing they still are enjoying their holiday until this comiing weekend. 

Next week we have no guests and concentrate on other important things, then again a musher-workshop-week and then soon the "real" season starts ith Bear-Trails and all other programs. And if we can trust the longterm-weather-forcast, then nothing is going to stop us to start the season in 3 weeks.  Our "new ones" need a bit more routine on the sleds, so we hope for training on runners, not on wheels any longer, starting from this coming weekend.  Cross fingers please! Because no, we will never move further up north and leave our paradise behind!