End of the Season?

It's not yet really end of the season, but spring is coming closer and closer. Every day we still get requests for daytrips and as long as we can harness the dogs in early morning and start out at 9h30 latest, it's all fine for the dos. Around noon it is getting too warm, the snow is getting wet and heavy, over the night if freezes again and the trails are again ready for the next day. 

All Yearlings from last summer have completed by now 3 - 7 test-runs and all are doing great. Except Fjella, she is not yet sure about the job we have chosen for her... She can try again in autumn, as also for all the teenagers, the end of the season is coming closer, when we put all harnesses away and no work is done any more by our dogs. 

As new team-member we welcomed Hannah here on April 1st. She will do a practical stay for 4 months and we hope, she has a lot of fun. More details about Hannah can be found on the team-pages. 

Probably the last Aurora lights could be seen a few days ago. As we have by now already 14 1/2 hours sunlight every day, the nights get shorter and porobably that was the end of the Aurora-season. Now we look forward to the long summerdays and short bright nights.

We spent the Easter-weekend with daytrips for visitors and the last trip with the Kalevala-group. And of course own baked Easter-bunnies by Petra. Today is the last snowshoe-hike at the Änäkäinen-Lakes, from tomorrow on we do some more sledrides. We drive sled, as long as we can! And surprisingly the trails are still in very good conditions, the lakes frozen, even the Hähnijoki-river can still be crossed without problems.